...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

And Then There Were 3

Holy s#@%, I live here!
-- Monique "Mo" Hein

It's been great these last few days to step back and look at Colorado through the eyes of my new roommate, Mo, who moved into town Thursday with her 3 bikes and dog, Benson Rastis Jr. Her enthusiasm experiencing this place for the first time has me seeing my surroundings with a whole new level of appreciation. Colorado is a uniquely beautiful place with its mountain backdrop, rolling landscape, bright sunlight and breathtaking sunsets. We wake up every morning and yell: "Hello sun!"..."Hello world!"... "Holy s#$@, I live here!" Thanks Mo for reminding me how much I love this place.

With my new roommate I have also inherited a resident training partner and this weekend she jumped right into the racing scene with the Rocky Mountain Omnium.

Recap of today's road race:

-- Hugo, Colorado...2 hours east of Denver, aka Kansas, through flat farmland... A trip made a bit less painful by sharing the drive with Mo and Rebekah.

-- 63 miles of chipseal pavement = 3 hours of agony, 2 numb hands, and one very sore rear. Tomorrow I'm buying a new pair of shorts with a decent chammy.

-- 85 degree heat...3 water bottles down my belly + one water bottle dumped over my head.

-- 1 dropped chain at the most crucial moment of the race = not so hot result for Kat

-- 7th place = Mo's result after sticking like glue to the ferocious VC & Excel girls

Mo already has a new man in her life...meet Stanley, the world's best massage stick. Benson is a bit jealous he's moved down to #2 on her list.


Chris Winn 4:33 AM  

I miss Colorado and I miss you like cray. Every day is a day closer. Keep pedalling Kat. love cw

JT 3:34 PM  

Wait one minute, you said my massage stick was the worlds best, at the Gila.........What gives!
OH Man, that sounds bad!
Thats one lucky Dog, HA!

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