...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Friday, August 10, 2007

New Frontiers

As summer winds down and the end of the season slump start to kick in, I have tried to battle the blues by mixing things up and spending a bit of time riding the fat tires. The last few months my mountain bike has taken me to some pretty sweet places - Angel Fire, Snowmass, and the Air Force Academy top the list. Well last Thursday time I didn't have to travel quite as far as two of my teammates introduced me to a fat tire playground in Denver's backyard. We hit up Green Mountain, a quick 15 minute drive west of Denver and literally right outside my teammate front door. It was nice to traverse the trails with some friends and leave behind the worries of the outside world.

12 more days and then I'm off to another new frontier - Australia...and Chris, who is currently ripping it up in Europe at the "Offroad Tour de France".

'Til next time, keep the pedals turnin'.


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