...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Saturday, December 08, 2007


1st week of December brought some big changes. Changes are inevitable as the clock ticks forward. Off-season is officially over and it was back on the bike for the first week of training. Unfortuantely with colder day and less sunshine, that meant a lot of time on the trainer. But the indoor pedaling was made less painful with a purchase of some rollers. After a few mishaps and a little less skin on my elbow, I'm actually learning how to balance. I'm sure all the ladies in the peloton next season and the boys on the MOB rides this year will be happy when I can actually ride in a straight line.

While I was pedaling away, Doug and Nermal grew big and health enough to go up for adoption. It's much too quiet at home without two little budles of energy boucing all over me, but I'm happy to report they were both adopted almost immediately. Best of luck boys, I know you'll bring lots of smiles and laughs to your new families.

I also put one more foot through the door of adulthood and bought my first complete bedset with matching sheets, bedspread, shams, and bedskirt. But I'm still refusing to grow up completey...and still sleep with a stuffed animal.

And finally the 1st weekend of snowfall here in Denver inspired the Christmas spirit in me so I decided to do a little decorating, complete with presents for the parents.


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