...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Good Life

(A) Life of a Pro Cyclist:

6:00am wake up
6:30 ergo 30mins
7 - 8 stretching
8- 9:30 breakfast & check emails
9:30 - 2pm bike time
2 - 2:30 stretching
2:30- 3:30 lunch emails etc
3.30 - 4.30 nap
4.30 - 5.30 core
730- 8:30 stretching
9am: bedtime

(B) Life of a Nonprofit Lawyer:
7:00am Wake up, shower, breakfast, pack lunch
8:00am Happy Time: Check Velonews & Cyclingnews.com
8:30 Take lightrail downtown
9:00 Put on the lawyer hat
2pm Realize I haven't eaten lunch yet
5pm Still doing lawyerly stuff
6pm Free!
6pm-6:45 Core work at the gym
7pm Jump on the lightrail home
7:30pm Grab leftovers from last night
8pm-9:30pm Work on xmas cards
10pm Bedtime

How do I trade in B for A?!

Ride on.


Chris Winn 9:04 PM  

you don't want to trade bank accounts..lol..I'm just 'slow' in joining the real world..

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