Changes on the Horizon
In 2 weeks...
This crazy cat flies into town....
And I'll be moving into this new crib.
After 3 weeks of offers & negotiations our offer was finally accepted this a.m. and in just a few weeks I'll be moving far far away from the college campus and officially becomining a suburbanite. I'm hoping it won't be anything like Desparate Housewives. For the first time it will be nice to store the bikes in the garage rather than next to the living room couch. I hope I can remember not to drive into the garage with the bikes still on top of the car.
yay congratulations!! that's awesome!! house warming party in the works - i can hear it now!
tips for not wrecking your bike into your garage:
1) put the garage door opener in your trunk
2) put the garage door opener inside your house
3) put your bike in the trunk
4) buy the thule bike racks that collapse whenever there's force on them so that you don't end up wrecking your bike when you wreck into your garage - just your bike racks ... they're a life saver i tell you!
Not long now babe..counting the
YAY! Congrats!
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