...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Incoming...Curveballs and Leg Spinner

Chris arrived, a bit blurry-eyed, jet-lagged (and cold in the April snow) on March 31st...and ever since has been encouraging me to update the blog. I'm either a bit stubborn, or a bit lazy, or both, because it took me 3 months to get to writing this. Or maybe it's because blogger magically turns my uploaded pictures into crazy lines of text, and then somehow converts them back, which freaks me out a bit...The blog-less three months have been a bit full and adventurous with lots of hoops, loops, and unexpected turns.

We're slowly settling into the house in Lakewood. Perfect place to ride being just a 30 minute ride to the mountains. First room that was organized was the garage, with Chris taking charge. The bikes have finally moved from the living room/balcony and made a home for themselves in the garage. It may be a 1-car garage, but with 6 bikes there's no room for the 4-wheeled vehicle, which is relegated to the driveway.

Chris's bike doesn't spend much time in the garage as he has quickly assimilated to the low oxygen levels and is usually found somewhere in the mountains. If you see a guy in an Aussie team kit riding in the Colorado mountains, give him a wave..

The # of bikes shrunk from 7 to 6 when we sold the New Belgium cruiser. Great bike, but something had to give...unfortunately I opted for cash rather than one fellow's offer of a trade from this sweet Storm Trooper costume. Next Halloween could have been a ripper...

I've been learning a few new skills, including how to play (a few chords on) the guitar...

...and how to be a soigneur. Now listed on my resume are skills in: Feed zone, pre-race bottles, post-race recovery drinks, team manager meetings. We've been to some pretty sweet place this year including Fayetteville, Arkansas; Tulsa, OK; Reno, NV; and Lake Tahoe.

Tulsa Tough lived up to its name and threw a little curve-ball in my racing schedule. Rain + Mud on the course = crash. Injury count was one broken helmet, a little bit of lost skin, and a sprained ankle which put my on crutches for a week and 3 weeks later am just now getting back on the bike. But perhaps it was all worth it as Chris finally got to take a picture of this man's crazy curly mullet. The things I do for the man I love...

I finally figured out how to work this 2-wheeled machine, even though it has no cranks or pedals. Chris has been enjoying sucking on its fumes during motor pace sessions.

And the latest little curve ball thrown my way was a job offer from a firm up the street from the new house. Commute time on the scooter = 3.5 minutes. Looks like I'll be adding "Esquire" to my business cards, and some business clothes and heels to my wardrobe.


Unknown 4:43 PM  

YAY! I'm glad you're back on blogger! Nice update!

T & G

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