...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Back in Denver, but not home yet...

I made it back to Denver late Wednesday night after a very long (13 hour) drive from Phoenix. I was exhausted, but couldn't sleep due to an overdose of gas-station cappuccinos. They tasted sooo good and helped me stay away, but they gave me some really weird dreams Wednesday night.

After one restless night of sleeping in my own bed, the adventure continued Thursday morning when I packed my bag again and headed to the Carpenters' house to petsit for 3 nights. They foster dogs for the Dumb Friends' League, and have one lab, one cat, and one frog of their own. I'm getting my puppy fix this weekend with these two little guys:

Gatsby and Penny are some sort of coonhound mix. Our best guess is coonhound and boxer. They are 2 of a litter of 9. The other 7 puppies went up for adoption on Wednesday. But poor little Gatsby has the kennel cough, so he had to stay behind and get well. Penny wanted to stay with him to keep him company.

Gatsby finds it very amusing to chew on my shoe. I didn't think it was that funny.

Then Gatsby decided to chew on Penny.

But he's so cute that Penny and I both forgave him for chewing on us.


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