...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

San Diego!!

Miles driven so far: 1250

Most I have paid for gas: $3.55/gallon (somewhere in the California desert)

Books read: 1 ("Missing Mom" by Joyce Carol Oats)
Books listened to on CD: 1 (Bridget Jones' Diary)

Funny signs I saw driving from Arizona to San Diego:
1) "Elevation: Sea Level"
2) "To avoid overheating, turn off AC next 10 miles" (huh? Whomever wrote this sign must have been confused. When it's 110 degrees out, if I want to avoid overheating, I"m turning the AC on full blast.)

Border checkpoints passed through: 2
Number of times I actually crossed the border: None. (Does that seem odd to anyone else?)

Border checkpoint #2

Time I arrived in San Diego: 5 pm

Miles I am from the Beach at this very moment: 3!

Huge wind turbines (is that what they're called) that I passed somewhere in SE California. These things must have been at least 100 feet tall.


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