...at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bathroom Break

Yesterday I woke up to an unexpected adventure of a different kind. We're not talking about your typical bathroom break here, folks. No, this pit stop led to a prison-break style attempt to free myself after the door jammed, trapping me inside the bathroom. I have to give a big shout out to Superhero Mo for keeping me calm, unscrewing the door handle, and helping to free me (after she got her fair share of photos, of course).

Mo was having too much fun taking pictures when she should have been focusing on the task at hand. A girl could starve waiting for Mo to take enough photos!

The view from the other side wasn't as funny, trust me.

The moral of the story....never close the bathroom door when there is no one on the other side to free you. That, or always take a screwdriver and cell phone into the bathroom with you. Safety first, people. Safety first.


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